Welcome to our website

We are a nondenominational church, who believes in the Bible and teaches and preaches God's Word.

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Welcome to Newark Faith Church


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Church Staff

Haley Akers


Additional Staff

Paul Gaulke
Church Board Chair / Worship Leader / Director of Music / Lay Speaker

April Evans, Administrative Assistant

Joe Furbee, Staff Pastor Perish Relations (SPPR) Chair

Finance Secretary(ies) Candice Layne & Joan Curry

Cheryl Deweese, Treasurer / Finance Committee Chair

Jeff Spung, Trustee Chair

Procedures for Inclement Weather

Level 1 - use your own judgement ​
Level 2 or 3 - Stay home - Stay safe!

Join us at 8:00 pm every night....

Covenant Prayer

Lord Jesus, we come to you today with one voice asking your blessing upon Faith church. We ask your help in sharing your love without compromise. We seek you in our journey to make our purpose leading others to you. We ask you to help us to leave the judgment of sinners to you as we seek to teach obedience to you through love. We confess that we have allowed some things to become like idols in our lives and ask your forgiveness in our short comings. May our lives be the living sacrifice that you have said they should be? Help us to be faithful to this body in which you have placed us and may we put you first in all that we do. Strengthen us in our weakness through each other with encouragement, nurturing and love. We give you all the praise and glory for all of the miracles, signs and wonders you have done through our gathering of believers we call church. Continue to show us favor as we commit to this daily prayer of covenant with each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Contacting Us

If you wish to contact us through our Contact Us Page, feel free to do so. We would love to hear from you! 
